Dragon Age Inquisition I Went to Fereldan With Cullen but the Romance Wont Continue

Cullen"This war won't last forever. When it started, I hadn't considered much beyond our survival. But things are different now."
Inquisitor"What do you mean?"
Cullen"I find myself wondering what will happen after. When this is over, I won't want to move on… not from you. But I don't know what you – that is, if you, uh…"
Inquisitor"Cullen. Do you need to ask?"
Cullen"I suppose not. I –"
— Committing to the relationship.

Cullen Romance is the het ship between Cullen Rutherford and The Inquisitor from the Dragon Age fandom.


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cullen and the to-be-Inquisitor meet briefly on the field when Cullen mistakenly thanks Cassandra Pentaghast for closing the rift – the Breach. Cassandra informs him that it was not her, but rather "the prisoner's doing," gesturing toward the Inquisitor. Cullen looks to the Inquisitor and tells her he hopes they're right about her, as they had lost a lot of people to get her there. As Cullen leaves with a group of soldiers, the Inquisitor silently watches him go.

A short time later, Cullen and the Inquisitor formally meet when Cassandra introduces the Inquisitor to the Inquisition's leaders, addressing Cullen as "Commander Cullen, leader of the Inquisition's forces." Cullen tells the Inquisitor, "It was only for a moment on the field. I'm pleased you survived." Before the Inquisitor leaves for the Hinterlands, Cullen suggests she use this as an opportunity to also expand the Inquisition's influence while she's there.

Sometime later, Cullen is training new recruits that have come to join the Inquisition when the Inquisitor stops by to talk. It's here can the Inquisitor flirt with Cullen for the first time, claiming she'd love to hear his lecture, should he have one prepared upon Cullen asking for forgiveness when he cuts himself off on the beginnings of a rant. Cullen laughs and tells her, "Another time, perhaps." The Inquisitor gives him a wide closed smile, leaving Cullen to fail at finding words, instead clearing his throat. Their conversation is however soon pulled apart when Cullen is informed of another matter at hand.

Handling his other duty, Cullen and the Inquisitor speak at the same location where the Inquisitor can ask him of his life before he joined the Inquisition. On the topic of vows within the Templar Order, the Inquisitor can ask him if he was expected to "give up physical temptations". Cullen immediately becomes flustered at the question, before explaining that while Templars can marry; there are rules, such as the Order must grant permission. The Inquisitor asks him if he has, leading to Cullen telling her that he's "taken no such vows". Moments later, he asks if they can speak of something else.

Following the assault on the Breach with the Mages or Templars, the victory is short lived when Haven is under attack by Corypheus. The Inquisitor looks to Cullen for any sort of battle plan upon seeing Corypheus' army come over the mountain. Cullen tells her that Haven is no fortress, if they are to withstand, they must be the ones to control the battle, before pointing at a trebuchet and telling her to "hit that force". He turns around to the people behind, telling them to fight with the Herald – the Inquisitor.

Buying time and back inside Haven's gates, Chancellor Roderick informs them of a secret passage way. The Inquisitor stays back in order to distract Corypheus long enough for the people to be evacuated before causing an avalanche and burying his army. Cullen voices concern for the Inquisitor's own escape, though when she does not answer him, Cullen tries to be optimistic about the situation instead, claiming that perhaps she'll find a way to surprise it. A short time later, the signal is given that the people have made it out of the passage way successfully, leading to the Inquisitor making the attempt at burying Corypheus. In the process she is thrown back and falls down into icy caves. Cold and injured, she struggles, though is able to find a way out. Outside and in a blizzard, the Inquisitor walks on. Once she reaches a certain area, Cullen is the first to spot her and first to run to her.

Later that night, the Inquisitor is resting, only to be woken up to hear Cullen and the other advisors arguing. Following the battle of Haven, all hope seems lost. The woman sitting beside the Inquisitor, Mother Giselle, begins to sing the song "The Dawn Will Come," leading to Cullen and the others joining in; that not all is lost. With new found inspiration, the Inquisitor is able to locate a castle – Skyhold - as the Inquisition's new base. Not long into settling, the Inquisitor is officially declared as the Inquisitor. As she stands overlooking the people below, Cullen proudly stares up at her. When Cassandra asks Cullen if the people will follow, Cullen pulls out his sword, raising it high and hyping the people up. In return, the Inquisitor raises her newly acquired sword to a cheering crowd.

Not long later, Cullen is giving orders to scouts when the Inquisitor walks up to him, talking of Skyhold and the battle of Haven. She tells Cullen, "Our escape from Haven… it was close. I'm relieved that you – that so many made it out." Cullen tells her he is too, before going quiet and looking down. As the silence drags on, the Inquisitor begins to walk away. Cullen speaks up again, informing her that he will not allow what happened at Haven to happen again, giving his word. From there, the Inquisitor can ask him if he left "anyone behind in Kirkwall". Cullens explains no, that he made few friends there and his family is in Ferelden. Searching for more information, the Inquisitor clarifies, "No one special caught your interest?" Cullen simply claims that no, not in Kirkwall.

Sometime later, Cullen confesses to the Inquisitor that he's no longer taking lyrium, a mineral-like substance that grants Templars their abilities. He explains to her that he hasn't taken it in months, not since he joined the Inquisition. He has asked Cassandra to "watch him," that should his ability to lead be compromised, he'll be relieved from duty.

Awhile later, the Inquisitor can find Cullen engaged in a chess-like game with either Dorian Pavus or Leliana. Upon either leaving, Cullen invites the Inquisitor for a game. Accepting his invitation, Cullen goes off on how when he was younger his sister would best him all the time and how he and his brother practiced for weeks to finally beat her. Hearing of his siblings, the Inquisitor can ask about them, like where they're from. As they continue to talk, Cullen mentions how this may be the longest they've gone without discussing the Inquisition, leading to the Inquisitor telling him "they should spend more time together". Cullen looks up from the board, surprised she had said that, though agrees – they should. As they play, the Inquisitor has three options regarding their game.

Cullen"And this one's mine."
Inquisitor"It seems luck favored you today."
Cullen"So it has."
— Letting Cullen win.
Cullen"Well, I believe this game is mine."
Inquisitor"Wait, what."
Cullen"Dorian cheats at this as well."
— Cheating results in Cullen still winning.
Cullen"Well, I believe this game is mine."
Inquisitor"Wait, what."
Cullen"Leliana uses the same cheats."
— Cheating results in Cullen still winning.
"I believe this one is yours. Well played. We shall have to try again sometime."
— Cullen, when the Inquisitor wins the game by playing fair.

Sometime later, the Inquisitor walks into Cullen's office, asking if they could talk alone. Cullen seems surprised; repeating "alone," though quickly recovers enough to accept. The two proceed to walk outside for the battlements where Cullen nervously rubs the back of his neck, claiming "it's a nice day". The Inquisitor has four options regarding how to start a romance with Cullen:

Inquisitor"Cullen, I care for you, and — [sigh]"
Cullen"What's wrong?"
Inquisitor"You left the Templars, but do you trust mages? Could you think of me as anything more?"
Cullen"I could. I mean I do… think of you. And what I might say in this sort of situation."
— As a Mage, the Inquisitor wants to know if Cullen could care for her.
Inquisitor"I find myself thinking of you. More than… well, all the time, really."
Cullen"I can't say I haven't wondered what it would be like."
— The Inquisitor cannot stop thinking about Cullen.
Inquisitor"Certainly not the weather."
Cullen"I assumed that much. I can't say I haven't wondered what I would say to you in this sort of situation."
— Smartass remark to Cullen's "It's a nice day".
Inquisitor"Cullen, you know how I feel."
Cullen"I can't say I haven't wondered what it would be like."
— The Inquisitor knows how she feels about Cullen.

From there, the Inquisitor asks what's stopping him, with Cullen looking at her, telling her, "You're the Inquisitor. We're at war. And you… I didn't think it was possible." The Inquisitor states that she's still there and Cullen gently steps toward her, inching closer to her lips with his own, telling her "he wants to". With their lips inches apart, their first kiss is interrupted by a scout, delivering Leliana's report to Cullen. Cullen steps back, turning to glare daggers at the scout. The scout looks at both Cullen and the nervous-looking Inquisitor from behind him. Recognizing what's happening, he begins to walk back for Cullen's office, leaving the two alone again. Feeling the moment ruined, the Inquisitor begins to tell Cullen, "If you need to — " She only gets so far before Cullen crushes his lips to hers. Cullen immediately apologizes, though also claiming how that was "really nice". The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond to their kiss:

Inquisitor"You don't regret it, do you?"
Cullen"No! No, not at all. [kisses her again]"
— Hoping Cullen doesn't regret their kiss.
Inquisitor"I believe that was a kiss. But I can't be sure, it's all a blur."
Cullen"[laughs] Yes, well. [kisses her again]"
— Surprised by how he went for their kiss.
Inquisitor"That was what I wanted."
Cullen"Oh. Good. [kisses her again]"
— Happy she got exactly what she wanted from their kiss.

Upon entering into a relationship, Cullen and the Inquisitor can discuss it. The Inquisitor questions Cullen on how long he's wanted to kiss her, leading to him saying, "Longer than I should admit." Depending on whether the Inquisitor is a noble human or Dalish elf, the dialogue is different.

Inquisitor"You don't have much patience for nobility. I'm glad my title didn't scare you off."
Cullen"I hadn't considered… I have no title outside the Inquisition. I hope that doesn't — I mean, does it… bother you?"
— Being noble.
Inquisitor"That I'm Dalish never bothered you?"
Cullen"I hadn't considered… Elves weren't treated differently in the Circles I served. I didn't think what it might mean to you. I hope that doesn't — I mean, does it… bother you?"
— Being Dalish.

From there, Cullen informs the Inquisitor that if he seems unsure, it's because it's been a long time since he's wanted anyone in his life, which he wasn't expecting to find within the Inquisition. The conversation soon changes to what people will gossip about them, leading to Cullen voicing his annoyance. When asked if that bothers him, Cullen responds, "I would rather my — our — private affairs remain that way. But if there were nothing here for people to talk about, I would regret it more."

Sometime later, the Inquisition makes an attempt to stop the assassination of Celene, the Empress of Orlais, as her death would cause the "destruction of everything". While at the Winter Palace, searching for the assassin, the Inquisitor can walk up to Cullen, asking him to "save her a dance". Upon rejecting her, Cullen has to do some hasty apologizing when he realizes how crestfallen she is at his abrupt rejection as he's had to turn down so many invitations that he tells her "no" on reflex. When asked about Cullen's attracted "following," Cullen claims he doesn't know any of these people and that they won't leave him alone. The Inquisitor teases him about "not enjoying the attention," leading to Cullen telling her, "Hardly. Anyway, yours — [clears throat] — yours is the only attention worth having."

A short time later, the assassin is revealed to be Empress Celene's cousin, Florianne. The Inquisitor gives chase, not before commanding Cullen to protect the people within the ballroom.

Once defeating Florianne and speaking with Morrigan, the Inquisitor stands on the balcony of the Winter Palace, presumably having been gone for a long while as when Cullen finds her, he says, "There you are! Everyone's been looking for you." Cullen voices how he knows it's foolish, but he was worried for her tonight. With the night a victory, he hears the people within the ballroom clapping, as well as music playing. He turns to the Inquisitor, saying, "I may never have another chance like this, so I must ask: May I have this dance, my lady?" The Inquisitor will have two options to Cullen's invitation:

Inquisitor"Of course. I thought you didn't dance."
Cullen"For you, I'll try."
— Dancing.

Cullen and the Inquisitor share a private dance on the balcony for a while until the Inquisition is ready to leave the Winter Palace.

Inquisitor"I'm not really in the mood for dancing."
Cullen"Of course."
— No dancing.

Cullen wraps an arm around the Inquisitor's shoulders, bring her in close. In return, the Inquisitor gently lowers her head onto his shoulder. The two stand in silence, overlooking from the balcony until the Inquisition is ready to leave the Winter Palace.

Sometime later back at Skyhold, the Inquisitor walks into Cullen's office. Seeing him not there, a scout informs her that he's gone to speak with Cassandra. Upon finding him and Cassandra, the two are engaged in a rising argument that stops when the Inquisitor steps in. Cullen looks to the Inquisitor with a defeated expression, before walking out and telling her, "Forgive me." Cassandra tells the Inquisitor that Cullen is no longer taking lyrium, which the Inquisitor confirms Cullen had informed her of previously. Cassandra explains that Cullen has asked her to recommend a replacement for him, which she had refused as it's not necessary. She asks the Inquisitor to talk with him, before leaving herself.

The Inquisitor enters Cullen's office where Cullen throws his lyrium box in frustration, narrowly missing the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor stands and listens to Cullen as he goes off on a long rant about his life as a Templar, how he wants nothing to do with it, though also how he won't give less to the Inquisition than he did with the Chantry, ending with how he should be taking lyrium. The Inquisitor tells him that "this doesn't have to be about the Inquisition," asking him if this is what he wants. Cullen tells her no, though he also tells her these memories have always haunted him and should they become worse, should he not be able to endure this… The Inquisitor cuts him off with her response:

Inquisitor"You can."
— Cullen doesn't start taking lyrium again.
Inquisitor"I can't watch you die. Please, Cullen. Take the lyrium."
Cullen"There will be no further distractions. You have my word."
— Cullen starts taking lyrium again.

Depending on what the player had chosen, there are two different scenes: Cullen feeling better, having not taken the lyrium or Cullen obtaining a new sword after taking lyrium.

Cullen stands on the battlements, overlooking the view surrounding Skyhold when the Inquisitor walks up from behind. Cullen thanks her for seeing him, before stumbling over his words, attempting to ask her if there's anything he could do for her. The Inquisitor is just glad to see him feeling better, which Cullen confirms yes, he is. Cullen tells how he's never truly told anyone what happened to him at Ferelden Circle. He continues to say how he was not himself after that and how his anger had blinded him, leading him to not be proud of the man that had made him. If the Inquisitor is a Mage, Cullen voices how the way he viewed Mages, he fears he would have not cared for her back then and the thought of that sickens him. The Inquisitor responds how she likes "who he is now". Cullen is surprised, questioning even after all his past mistakes. The Inquisitor steps into his space, telling him, "Cullen, I care about you. You've done nothing to change that."

The Inquisitor finds Cullen looking for a new sword. He tells her there are Templars who have been through worse than he has and once their sacrifices are made, is there no end? He wants to be free of lyrium. The Inquisitor tells Cullen that they'll find a way to help him after the war, telling him, "But there must be a safer way. When this war is over, we'll look for it. I promise." Cullen accepts this with a dull expression before going back to sword selecting.

The player must choose the "Cullen will keep taking lyrium for now" option to ensure the romance continues, otherwise Cullen will break up with the Inquisitor.

Sometime later, the Inquisition has dealings in Ferelden. Cullen hopes the Inquisitor may accompany him, should she be able to spare the time. She asks if there is something wrong, that would require her to attend, leading to Cullen telling her no, that he would "rather explain there". The Inquisitor accepts and Cullen goes to make the necessary arrangements for their trip.

They arrive to a lake and walk down the only dock. The Inquisitor asks where they are, with Cullen telling her, "You walk into danger every day. I wanted to take you away from that. If only for a moment. I grew up not far from here. This place was always quiet." The Inquisitor has four options regarding how to respond:

Inquisitor"Did you come here often?"
Cullen"I loved my siblings, but they were very loud. I would come here to clear my head. Of course, they always found me eventually."
Inquisitor"You were happy here?"
Cullen"I was. I still am."
— Cullen came to the lake often as a child.
Inquisitor"Alone with a Mage. That doesn't concern you?"
Cullen"The Templars have rules on… fraternization. But I am no longer bound by them."
— Hoping Cullen is okay being alone with a Mage.

From this dialogue choice, the Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond:

"I should hope not."
— "Good" option.
Inquisitor"Would it really have stopped you? If we had met before?"
Cullen"I don't… I…"
Inquisitor"You could say, 'No, of course not.'"
Cullen"It's hard to believe I wouldn't have noticed you."
— "Would it matter if you were?" option.
Inquisitor"I know, but… you've seen the worst Mages have to offer. How can you not see that in me?"
Cullen"I don't. If I've given you reason to doubt… [sighs] Of course I have. Whatever I fear of magic, I see none of that in you."
— "I worry what you think of me" option.
Inquisitor"How will you survive without a parade of messengers and war reports?"
Cullen"I should be able to last a day. Besides, I told Leliana to send word if —"
Inquisitor"Cullen. You. Me. Alone. Pretty lake."
Cullen"Right. Of course."
— Always thinking of work.
Inquisitor"While we're here, you have me all to yourself."
Cullen"The thought may have crossed my mind."
— Alone together.

They stand in silence on the dock, taking in the sounds of the lake, when Cullen finally speaks. He mentions how the last time he was there at the lake, was the day he had left for Templar training. He continues to say that his brother had given him a coin, claiming it was for luck, though also mentioning how Templars are not supposed to carry such things as their faith should see them through. The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond:

Inquisitor"Faith is stronger. It gets us through when luck fails."
Cullen"I believe that, and yet…"
— When luck fails.
Inquisitor"You broke the Order's rules? I'm shocked."
Cullen"Until a year ago, I was very good at following them. Most of the time. This was the only thing I took from Ferelden that the Templars didn't give me."
— Breaking the rules.
Inquisitor"I don't think it worked. You haven't been all that fortunate."
Cullen"I should have died during the Blight. Or at Kirkwall or Haven. Take your pick. And yet I made it back here."
— Lucky.

The Inquisitor smiles down at the coin in Cullen's hand, before looking up to smile at Cullen. Cullen takes the Inquisitor's hand, placing his palm over hers, saying, "Humor me. We don't know what you'll face before the end. This can't hurt." The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond. No matter the choice, Cullen and the Inquisitor share a kiss.

Inquisitor"I can get myself out of trouble, I promise."
Cullen"You're rather good at getting into it as well. I've read the reports on your adventures. [kisses her]"
— Doesn't need luck, Cullen keeps the coin.
Inquisitor"I'll keep it safe."
Cullen"Good. I know it's foolish, but… I'm glad. [kisses her]"
— Accepts Cullen's coin.
Inquisitor"Keep it. I don't want your luck to run out."
Cullen"Nor do I. Not when I finally have some. [kisses her]"
— Doesn't want Cullen's own luck to run out, Cullen keeps the coin.

Sometime later, Cullen is giving out orders to his subordinates where upon seeing the Inquisitor standing in the back silently watching him work, he momentarily loses his train of thought. He recovers quickly however, before smiling at the Inquisitor. With the orders given out, the people leave his office, leaving Cullen and Inquisitor alone. As Cullen closes door, he pushes both hands on it in a tired gesture. The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to start a conversation:

Inquisitor"Long day?"
Cullen"I shouldn't complain."
— Tired.
Inquisitor"Wishing we were somewhere else?"
Cullen"[laughs] I barely found time to get away before."
— No escape.
Inquisitor"The Inquisition won't rest — even if we may want to."
Cullen"I've not lost sight of what's at stake."
— Duty.

Cullen walks for his desk, stating that when the Inquisition had started, he had not considered much beyond their survival, though claiming "things are different now". When asked what he means by the Inquisitor, he tells her, "I find myself wondering what will happen after. When this is over, I won't want to move on… not from you. But I don't know what you – that is, if you, uh…" The Inquisitor steps into his space, putting herself between him and his desk, telling him, "Cullen. Do you need to ask?" Cullen looks down at her, saying he "supposes not," when the Inquisitor knocks over a wine bottle sitting on the desk. It shatters on the floor, making the Inquisitor gasp. She looks to Cullen, worried he may be upset given his OCD tendencies. Instead, Cullen smirks at her, before shoving all things off of his desk and gently pushing her on and across it, before he lies on top of her.

The morning after, as the Inquisitor is dressing herself on the side of Cullen's bed, Cullen wakes from a nightmare. Seeing the Inquisitor's reaction to Cullen's own not-so reaction, Cullen leans up in bed and cups the Inquisitor's cheek, claiming that he "didn't mean to worry" her. The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond:

Inquisitor"You can let me worry about you a little."
— Here for Cullen.
Inquisitor"Despite the dreams, is it still a good morning?"
Cullen"It's perfect."
— Good morning.
Inquisitor"I'm never worried."
Cullen"I almost believe you."
— Almost believed.

Cullen and the Inquisitor gently touch their foreheads togethert, when Cullen says, "You are… I have never felt anything like this." The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond. No matter the choice, Cullen and the Inquisitor share a kiss.

Inquisitor"I love you. You know that, right?"
Cullen"I love you, too. [kiss]"
— First 'I love you.'
"Neither have I, but I like it. [kiss]"
— The Inquisitor, to Cullen.
"Then I've succeeded. [kiss]"
— The Inquisitor, to Cullen.

The two hold gaze, before Cullen gives the Inquisitor a slight nod of his head to assure her that he's okay. When he does, the Inquisitor gets up from his bed and walks out to attend to her duties of the day, leaving Cullen smiling as he lies back down on the bed, watching his lady love leave.

Not long before the final battle with Corypheus, Cullen is praying when the Inquisitor walks up from behind him. Depending on whether he stayed off lyrium or began to take it again, the dialogue is different, though ends the same: Cullen is saddened he has to send the Inquisitor to Corypheus. He and the Inquisitor share a comforting embrace, content in each other's arms.

Following Corypheus' defeat, the Inquisitor returns to Skyhold where she is greeted with a cheering crowd. Ascending the stairs, she is met by her three advisors, whom bow respectively. Upon bowing, Cullen goes for her, taking her in his arms, happy and relieved to have her alive. Not long after, there's a party thrown for the victory. Cullen and the Inquisitor converse shorty before Cullen tells her, "I should let you… mingle. I'm sure everyone desires your attention. As much as I might want it for myself."

Once the Inquisitor is done speaking with the other party guests, she retreats for her private quarters. Cullen sees this and hurries to catch up before she reaches the door, telling her, "You managed to slip away. I thought I might claim more of your attention after all." The Inquisitor has three options regarding how to respond:

Inquisitor"I'm glad you're here."
Cullen"[laughs] Good."
— Glad Cullen is there.
Cullen"I had hoped for a moment alone before the day was done."
Inquisitor"Is there something on your mind?"
— Everything is on Cullen's mind.
Inquisitor"It's yours. Now what?"
Cullen"I hadn't planned that far ahead."
— No plan.

The Inquisitor seductively walks backwards for the door, opening it, before pulling Cullen inside. Cullen tells the Inquisitor that despite all the good that's about to happen, he doesn't care about any of that, other than her being alive. Although, Cullen still confesses that he "doesn't know what happens after this," with the Inquisitor agreeing. The Inquisitor walks for the balcony with Cullen following. He wraps his arms around her midsection, before resting his chin on her shoulder. The two stand in silence, watching the sunrise over the mountains.

Dragon Age: Trespasser

Two years following the defeat of Corypheus and the closure of the Breach, concerns have grown over the power of the Inquisition. During the Exalted Council, the Inquisitor walks up to Cullen, seeing him petting a dog, a mabari. With Cullen having found "certainty in his life now," regardless of what the Council chooses of the Inquisition, he stands from petting the dog to ask the Inquisitor to marry him. The Inquisitor is taken aback and Cullen tells her, "I mean, will you… I had a plan… and there wasn't a dog. But you were… it doesn't matter. I've thought of little else, and I don't need a plan. Only to know if you would…" The Inquisitor has two options regarding how to respond:

Inquisitor"I would! Cullen, I will."
Cullen"You will."
— Accepting Cullen's proposal.

Accepting Cullen's proposal, the Inquisitor tells Cullen how "people will notice the Inquisitor marrying her Commander in the middle of the Exalted Council," with Cullen telling her, "It won't go over well. But we know a few people who can keep things… secret."

The two share their private I do, among their wedding officiate, Mother Giselle, and their newly adopted dog. Depending on whether the Inquisitor is a noble human or Dalish elf, their vows are different. If the Inquisitor is a noble human, only Cullen says vows, and if the Inquisitor is an elf, Cullen agrees for her to say Elvish vows.

Inquisitor"Cullen, I… if I love someone, I stay with them. I don't need something official to make that more true. And it is true. I hope this doesn't…"
Cullen"It doesn't. I… if I loved someone, I would stay with them as well. I will. Whatever comes."
— Not getting married.

Sometime later, the Inquisitor is having a meeting with Cullen and her other two advisors. During the meeting, she cries out in pain at the Anchor — the green mark that appeared on her left palm — causing the pain. Once she tells them she's going to Darvaarad, Cullen immediately steps forward, taking her in his arms. The two hold each other, their lips close to touching.

When the Inquisitor gets back she is missing her left forearm, having had it removed since the Anchor was slowly killing her. She, Cullen and her other companions stand overlooking the sky. As the others leave one by one, she and Cullen are left alone together.


Romanced, not taking lyrium, peacekeeping Inquisition

"After the Inquisition transferred to a peacekeeping role, Cullen and the Inquisitor were able to spend more time together. Cullen continued to serve as commander of the Inquisition forces, aiding the Inquisitor in service to Divine Victoria."

Romanced, Inquisition disbanded

"After the Inquisition disbanded, Cullen and the Inquisitor retired to a private life together. Unburdened by the restrictions of their offices, they continued doing good works on their own terms."

If Cullen and the Inquisitor married:

"That is, after a long-overdue visit to Cullen's siblings, who were overjoyed to meet their new sister-in-law."


Dragon Age: Inquisition

  • As Cullen leaves with a group of soldiers, the Inquisitor silently watches him go.
  • Cullen tells the Inquisitor he's "pleased she survived".
  • The Inquisitor smiles at Cullen.
  • Cullen gets flustered at the Inquisitor asking if he's celibate.
  • Cullen voices concern for the Inquisitor, before trying to be optimistic about her situation.
  • Cullen is first to spot the Inquisitor on the snowy mountain, being the first to run to her.
  • The Inquisitor shyly clarifies her words when telling Cullen she's glad he survived Haven.
  • The Inquisitor asks Cullen of his relationship status.
  • When Cullen sees the Inquisitor walking for him during his chess-like game, he immediately starts to stand up.
  • Cullen invites the Inquisitor to play a chess-like game.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor share their first kiss on the battlements.
  • Cullen has wanted to kiss the Inquisitor "longer than he should admit".
  • The Inquisitor can ask Cullen to step away from work to kiss.
  • The Inquisitor can ask Cullen to "save her a dance".
  • Cullen asks the Inquisitor if she's alright.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor can share a private dance.
  • Cullen invites the Inquisitor to a lake.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor kiss by the lake.
  • The Inquisitor enjoyed watching Cullen lose multiple games of Wicked Grace as it meant seeing Cullen get naked.
  • Cullen cups the Inquisitor's cheek.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor smile at each other.
  • Once the war is over, Cullen doesn't want to move on from the Inquisitor.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor have sex on Cullen's desk.
  • Cullen cups the Inquisitor's cheek in bed.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor gently touch foreheads after committing to each other.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor hold gazes.
  • Only when Cullen gives the Inquisitor a slight nod of his head does she leave Cullen's side.
  • Cullen smiles as he watches the Inquisitor walks away.
  • A life without Cullen was never an option for the Inquisitor.
  • Cullen cups the Inquisitor's cheek in the room of prayer.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor share a comforting embrace before the final battle.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor embrace following the final battle.
  • Cullen wraps his arms around the Inquisitor's midsection and rests his chin on her shoulder.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor watch the sunrise.

Dragon Age: Trespasser

  • Cullen asks the Inquisitor to marry him.
  • Cullen and the Inquisitor can marry.
  • Cullen is glad the Inquisitor is there to "rescue" him from political small-talk.
  • After the Inquisitor cries out in pain at the Anchor causing the pain, Cullen steps forward to hold her.


Dragon Age: Inquisition


"But what of your escape? [no answer from the Inquisitor] …Perhaps you will surprise it. Find a way…"
— Cullen voicing concern for the Inquisitor, before trying to be optimistic about her situation.
"If I seem unsure, it's because it's been a long time since I've wanted anyone in my life. I wasn't expecting to find that here. Or you."
— Cullen, feeling slightly insecure.
"You're looking lovely. Have I told you that?"
— Cullen, complimenting the Inquisitor.
"I know it's foolish, but I was worried for you tonight."
— Cullen, glad the Inquisitor is okay.
"I may never have another chance like this, so I must ask: May I have this dance, my lady?"
— Cullen, asking the Inquisitor to dance on the balcony of the Winter Palace.
"You are… I have never felt anything like this."
— Cullen, in love with the Inquisitor.
"When the time comes, you will be thrown into [Corypheus'] path again… Andraste preserve me, I must send you to him."
— Cullen, saddened he must send the Inquisitor to Corypheus.
"Whatever happens, you will come back."
— Cullen, on the Inquisitor's return from the final battle with Corypheus.
"To believe anything else… I can't."
— Cullen, to the Inquisitor, "You're still worried" option.
"The thought of losing you… I can't."
— Cullen, to the Inquisitor, "Yes, I will" option.
"I should let you… mingle. I'm sure everyone desires your attention. As much as I might want it for myself."
— Cullen wants the Inquisitor's attention following the final battle with Corypheus.
"You managed to slip away. I thought I might claim more of your attention after all."
— Cullen, upon seeing the Inquisitor begin to leave the victory party.


Cassandra, to the Inquisitor"You've met Commander Cullen, leader of the Inquisition's forces."
Cullen"It was only for a moment on the field. I'm pleased you survived."
— Cullen and the Inquisitor formally meeting.
Cullen"Forgive me. I doubt you came here for a lecture."
Inquisitor"No, but if you have one prepared, I'd love to hear it. [smiles]"
Cullen"[laughs] Another time, perhaps. I, uh… [clears throat] There's still a lot of work ahead."
— Flirting with Cullen.
Inquisitor"A life of service and sacrifice. Are Templars also expected to give up… physical temptations?"
Cullen"Physical? Why… [clears throat] Why would you… that's not expected. Templars can marry — although there are rules around it, and the Order must grant permission… some may choose to give up more to prove their devotion, but it's… um… not required."
Inquisitor"Have you?"
Cullen"Me? I, um… no. I've taken no such vows. Maker's breath, can we speak of something else?"
— Cullen getting flustered at speaking of celibacy.
Inquisitor"Thank you, Cullen. Our escape from Haven… it was close. I'm relieved that you — that so many made it out."
Cullen"As am I."
— The Inquisitor shyly clarifying her words.
Inquisitor"Did you leave anyone behind in Kirkwall?"
Cullen"No. I fear I made few friends there, and my family's in Ferelden."
Inquisitor"No one special caught your interest?"
Cullen"Not in Kirkwall."
— Asking of Cullen's relationship status.
Inquisitor"Is there anything I should know?"
Cullen"I've gotten used to mages disliking me on principle. Vivienne's views on Templars are… surprisingly traditional."
Inquisitor"I've never disliked you on principle."
Cullen"Oh, um… thank you."
— Flirting with Cullen, not in a relationship.
Cullen"I should return to my duties as well… unless you would care for a game?"
Inquisitor"Prepare the board, Commander."
— Accepting Cullen's chess invitation.
Cullen"This may be the longest we've gone without discussing the Inquisition – or related matters. To be honest, I appreciate the distraction."
Inquisitor"We should spend more time together."
Cullen"I would like that."
Inquisitor"Me too."
Cullen"…You said that."
— Wanting to spend more time with each other.
Inquisitor"I thought we could talk. Alone."
Cullen"Alone? I mean, of course."
— Kickstart the romance.
Inquisitor"What's stopping you?"
Cullen"You're the Inquisitor. We're at war. And you… I didn't think it was possible."
Inquisitor"And yet I'm still here."
Cullen"So you are… it seems too much to ask, but I want to —"
— Kickstart the romance, moments from sharing their first kiss.
Inquisitor"The day you kissed me on the battlements: how long had you wanted to do that?"
Cullen"[laughs] Longer than I should admit."
— Discussing their first kiss.
Inquisitor"The Commander of the Inquisition and the Herald of Andraste. That will have people talking."
Cullen"[sighs] You wouldn't believe how quickly gossip spreads through the barracks."
Inquisitor"Does it bother you?"
Cullen"I would rather my — our — private affairs remain that way. But if there were nothing here for people to talk about, I would regret it more."
— Gossip.
Inquisitor"If I possessed by a demon, would you…"
Cullen"Please, don't ask me this."
Inquisitor"I think I know the answer."
Cullen"I don't think you do. It's not that simple, and I… I would rather not think of it."
— Demon possession.
Inquisitor"Is there anything I should know?"
Cullen"I've gotten used to mages disliking me on principle. Vivienne's views on Templars are… surprisingly traditional."
Inquisitor"I've never disliked you on principle."
Cullen"I noticed."
— Flirting with Cullen, in a relationship.
Orlesian"Are you married, Commander?"
Cullen"Not yet, but I am… already taken."
— Cullen being flirted with at the Winter Palace, in a relationship with the Inquisitor.
Inquisitor"I don't suppose you'd save a dance for me?"
Cullen"No, thank you."
Cullen"No! I didn't mean to — Maker's breath! I've answered that question so many times I'm rejecting it automatically. I'm not one for dancing. The Templars never attended balls."
— Cullen making a hasty apology.
Inquisitor"You've attracted a following. Who are all these people?"
Cullen"I don't know, but they won't leave me alone."
Inquisitor"Not enjoying the attention, then?"
Cullen"Hardly. Anyway, yours — [clears throat] — yours is the only attention worth having."
— Flirting while around Cullen's Orlesian admirers.
Inquisitor"At least there was dancing."
Cullen"[laughs] Or an attempt at it, anyway."
Inquisitor"I thought you did well."
Cullen"I'm grateful for your poor taste in dance partners."
— Back at Skyhold, talking about the dancing at the Winter Palace.
Inquisitor"Where are we?"
Cullen"You walk into danger every day. I wanted to take you away from that. If only for a moment. I grew up not far from here. This place was always quiet."
— At the lake.
Inquisitor"Is there anything I should know?"
Cullen"Only that I'm never playing cards again. I still can't find my — it doesn't matter. I don't know how Varric talked me into that."
Inquisitor"That's too bad. Watching you lose made me want to play cards more often."
Cullen"I do not need help embarrassing myself in front of you."
Inquisitor"You were blushing. It was adorable."
Cullen"Maker's breath."
— Cullen losing multiple games of Wicked Grace.
Cullen"This war won't last forever. When it started, I hadn't considered much beyond our survival. But things are different now."
Inquisitor"What do you mean?"
Cullen"I find myself wondering what will happen after. When this is over, I won't want to move on… not from you. But I don't know what you — that is, if you, uh…"
Inquisitor"Cullen. Do you need to ask?"
Cullen"I suppose not. I —"
— Committing to the relationship.
Cullen"We have him, Inquisitor! We found Samson's lair! My duties usually keep me here, but for Samson? I'll make an exception."
Inquisitor"Samson still has that red lyrium armor."
Cullen"All the more reason for me to go. I would… sleep better if I knew I would be at your side."
— Before the Dawn quest, the Inquisitor chooses to side with the Mages instead of the Templars.
Cullen"Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you had not been at the conclave? If you'd never become Inquisitor?"
Inquisitor"A life without you? Never."
— A life without Cullen was never an option.
Cullen"Battle's over, there will be a new Divine… yet I don't care about anything other than you being alive."
Cullen"I don't know what happens after this."
Inquisitor"Neither do I."
— Unsure of the future.

Dragon Age: Trespasser

Cullen"Marry me."
Cullen"I mean, will you… [sighs] I had a plan… and there wasn't a dog. But you were… it doesn't matter. I've thought of little else, and I don't need a plan. Only to know if you would…"
— Cullen's marriage proposal.
"There you are. I… I just realized I'm greeting my wife. I rather like this."
— Cullen, should he and the Inquisitor marry.
"Maker, you're a lovely sight."
— Cullen, upon seeing the Inquisitor after a while.
Inquisitor"Do you remember the first time we came to the Winter Palace?"
Cullen"All too well. I've already answered a half-dozen questions about my personal life. The reason we're here is because we made a difference. That's worth enduring the political small-talk."
Inquisitor"But you're still glad I'm here to rescue you."
Cullen"[laughs] Very much so."
— Being rescued.

Companion Quotes

Cullen"Inquisitor, we were…"
Leliana"Eagerly awaiting your presences — some of us more than others."
Cullen"I wasn't… I mean, I was… we have work to do."
Leliana"Of course."
— Gossip at the War Table, Dragon Age: Inquisition.
"Safe and solid, protecting and proud. He feels like quiet, stronger when you hold him."
— Cole's comment, Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Dorian"Have a thing for strapping young Templars, I see."
Inquisitor"What's this about?"
Dorian"Oh, nothing. Just something I find rather adorable about you."
— Dorian's comment, Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Inquisitor"What do you think of our Spymaster, Ambassador and Commander?"
Sera"[…] and your Cullen-wullen? Cully-wully? Lots of men under him. Needs a woman over him. Because positions."
— Sera's comment, Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Dorian"Everyone remember not to look down."
Inquisitor"I… may have already looked."
Dorian"Just try not to think about it. Or fall. Falling would be worse. I'm not going to be the one to explain to Cullen that I let you fall to your death from a tree."
— Dorian's comment, Jaws of Hakkon.
"How are things with our dear Commander Cullen?"
— Vivienne, looking for gossip, Trespasser.
"Cully and Evelynly tied it! Desks watch out!"
— Sera's comment, Trespasser.


Cullen Romance is an extremely popular ship within the Dragon Age fandom. Cullen is only romanceable in Dragon Age: Inquisition. He can become involved with a female human or female elf, which left fans disappointed that males or the other two races can't romance him. Nevertheless however, his romance is beloved by many and often seen as the most genuine.

On AO3, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford is the most written ship within the Dragon Age - All Media Types tag. Cullen's human romance (Female Trevelyan) is the third most written ship, and his elf romance (Female Lavellan) is the eightieth most written ship.



Female Inquisitor/Cullen tag on AO3
Female Trevelyan/Cullen tag on AO3
Female Lavellan/Cullen tag on AO3
Inquisitor/Cullen tag on FanFiction.net


Cullen Romance tag on DeviantArt
Cullen x Inquisitor tag on DeviantArt
Cullen x Trevelyan tag on DeviantArt
Cullen x Lavellan tag on DeviantArt


Cullen Romance posts on Tumblr
Cullen x Inquisitor posts on Tumblr
Cullenmance posts on Tumblr
Cullvelyan posts on Tumblr
Cullavellan posts on Tumblr


Cullen Romance on Dragon Age Wiki
Cullen/Inquisitor on Fanlore


  • Cullen can only be romanced by female humans (Trevelyan) and female elves (Lavellan).
  • Cullen is one of the few romance options whose romance can be initiated before the completion of his personal quest.
  • Originally Cullen was not going to be a romance option in Dragon Age: Inquisition, however his role as a love interest was changed when BioWare extended the game's development by a year.[1]


  1. Romances in Dragon Age: Inquisition


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Dragon Age ShipsDragon Age Characters
SHIPS het Alistair RomanceCullandra Cullen Romance CullenWarden
slash AdoribullCullrianKandersKrembull
non-binary Anders RomanceFenris Romance
family FenrisVarania
friend PounceAnders


Source: https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Cullen_Romance

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